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Andızlı Cemetery Grave Construction

Blogs 6 years Added First


Andızlı Cemetery is located in the Mediterranean region, is connected to the province of Antalya. Andızlı Cemetery is 1 km away from the city of Antalya. The location of the Andunli Cemetery map is shown on the map as 36.8938 latitude and 30.7087 longitude.

Andızlı Distance to the Cemetery;

MarkAntalya:0.46 Km
Mevlana Kavşağı:0.53 Km
Soba Müzesi:0.59 Km
Kalekapısı:0.74 Km
Saat Kulesi:0.78 Km
Antalya Valiliği:0.84 Km
Üç Kapılar:0.87 Km
Yivli Minare:0.87 Km
Antalya Devlet Tiyatrosu:0.90 Km
Cumhuriyet Meydanı:0.92 Km
Kalekapısı:0.92 Km
Hadrian Kapısı:0.95 Km
Karatay Medresesi:0.95 Km
Antalya Oyuncak Müzesi:1.11 Km
Meydan Kavşağı:1.20 Km
Antalya Kalesi:1.22 Km
Kesik Minare:1.26 Km
Atatürk Evi ve Müzesi:1.41 Km
Hıdırlık Kulesi:1.46 Km
Antalya SGK İl Müdürlüğü:1.50 Km
Karaalioğlu Parkı:1.55 Km
Antalya Atatürk Stadyumu:1.71 Km
Atatürk Kültür Parkı:2.36 Km
Kepez Belediyesi:2.44 Km
Antalya Vergi Dairesi Başkanlığı:2.63 Km
Kuğulu Parkı:2.67 Km
Antalya Müzesi:2.69 Km
Antalya Arkeoloji Müzesi:2.72 Km
Antalya Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi:2.74 Km

Andunli Cemetery is located in the Mediterranean, Antalya has the province. Andızlı Cemetery is connected to Antalya with 1 km distance. The maps of the Andunli Cemetery are shown in the map location with the lengths of 36.8938 latitude and 30.7087.

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We provide grave flowering, regular watering, regular care and grave care services at the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality Uncalı City cemetery.

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